PNG to WEBP Converter

Convert PNG images to the more efficient WEBP format effortlessly with online and offline converters. Enjoy smaller file sizes and improved web performance with ease and convenience.

Max file size : 1 MB
Upto 100MB Go Pro

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What is a png to webp converter?

A PNG to WEBP converter is used for converting the PNG file into the WEBP files.You can directly select the file and convert the png image to png webp for free, It gives you good quality images. Also, the email is not mandatory to use this tool but if you want to use more features then you need to register using email. 

How to use the png to webp converter?

Here are the steps to use the convert PNG file to WEBP file:

1. Upload Your PNG: Click on the “Select a File” button to select the PNG file you want to convert from your device.
2. Convert the File: Once the file is uploaded, click on the “Convert to WEBP” button to start the conversion process.
3. Download the WEBP File: After the conversion is complete, you’ll see a link or button to download the converted WEBP file. 
4. Check Your File: Open the downloaded png to ensure the conversion was successful.


1. Why convert PNG to WebP?
WebP images are typically smaller in file size compared to PNG, which helps you to improve website loading times and reduces bandwidth usage without compromising the quality of the images.

2. Will WebP images work in all browsers?
Most modern browsers support WebP, including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. However, some older browsers may not support it, so consider providing fallback images in other formats.

3. Can I use WebP images in my projects?
Yes, you can use WebP images in web projects, but ensure that your audience is using compatible browsers or provide alternatives.

360 Converters is a simple and efficient online tool designed to quickly convert your png image file into webp. Users can select a file and the tool gives a good quality image in webp format for free.