WEBP to PNG Converter

In the digital realm, WebP to PNG conversion plays a crucial role in maintaining image compatibility and quality across platforms. Explore efficient online tools like 360 Converters for seamless image transformations.

Max file size : 1 MB
Upto 100MB Go Pro

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What is a webp to png converter?

A WEBP to PNG converter is used for converting the WEBP file into the PNG files.You can directly select the file and convert the webp image to png image for free, It gives you good quality images. Also, the email is not mandatory to use this tool but if you want to use more features then you need to register using email. 

How to use the webp to png converter?

Here are the steps given below to convert WEBP file into PNG file:

1. Upload Your WEBP: Click on the “Select a File” button to select the WEBP file that you want to convert.
2. Convert the File: Once the file is uploaded, click on the “Convert to WEBP” button to start the conversion process.
3. Download the PNG File: After the conversion is complete, you’ll see a link or button to download the converted PNG file. 
4. Check Your File: Open the downloaded png to ensure the conversion was successful.


1. What are the advantages of WebP over PNG?
Advantages of WebP:
It gives a 23% smaller file size than the PNG images with the same quality of image or better than the PNG images.
WebP supports animation, while PNG does not.

2. Can WebP images be transparent?
WebP image format can handle both lossless images and also the  transparent backgrounds, so it can be a good alternative to the PNG format.

3. Does WebP reduce image quality?
WebP images are usually smaller in size compared to PNG image types, but it still maintains good quality. Also the WebP images are supported everywhere because of the good quality.

360 Converters is an easy-to-use online tool that helps you convert WebP images to PNG format. Just upload your file, and it will give you a good-quality PNG image for free.